Our Creator would never have made such lovely days,and given us the deep hearts to enjoy them,unless we were meant to be immortal. ~ Autor unknown~
08/18/2018 dragan's dad
May and this candle light illuminate the path between your loved ones hearts and Heaven….
08/11/2018 dragan's dad
Remembering candle in honor of you.Wishing you and your loved ones a gentle & blessed weekend
08/04/2018 dragan's dad
The road that is built in hope is more pleasant to the traveler than the road built in despair, even though they both lead to the same destination.M.Z.Bradley
07/28/2018 dragan's dad
May ur Angel visit u while u sleep n bless u with beautiful dreams to keep
07/21/2018 dragan's dad
God knew that we could not bear to be apart, so He blessed us with memories & dreams.
07/14/2018 dragan's dad
Lighting this candle in honor of your life, thinking and praying for your loved ones.
07/07/2018 dragan's dad
God bless all the ours dear children in your tender care.
06/30/2018 dragan's dad
If you can go through life without experiencing pain you probably haven’t been born yet ~N. Simon~
06/23/2018 dragan's dad
Remembering candle in honor of you. Wishing your family a blessed weekend
06/16/2018 dragan's dad
You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness. ~Jonathan Safran Foer~
06/12/2018 dragan's dad
Lighting a birthday candle for Aaron! Hope your day is filled with beauty in heaven! Hugs to your family.