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My Angel Aaron
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Each time we embrace a memory we meet again with those we love....For the heart never forgets ~ Emily Dickinson
dragan's dad
Remembering candle is lit in honor of you…
dragan's dad
For a while in our lives, a eternally in our hearts.
dragan's dad
"Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven." ~ Henry Ward Beecher~
dragan's dad
Easter is a promise.God renews to us in each spring.May the promise of Easter fill your heart with peace and joy,Happy Easter!
dragan's dad
May the flame of this candle be a reminder that your spirit lives on in the hearts of those who love you!
dragan's dad
Time moves in one direction, memory in another~W.Gibson~Angel, I lit a candle in honor of you remembering your life..
dragan's dad
Life goes on everything changes yet everything remains the same. Candle in honor of U..
dragan's dad
Life is eternal and love is immortal; and death is only a horizon, and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight
dragan's dad
We should to believe that life never ends, that broken hearts and broken dreams will one day be mended in Heaven.
dragan's dad
So long as we live,they too shall live and longing for they are a part of us as we remember them.Candle in honor of our Angels.
dragan's dad
Remembering candle burns in honor of you.
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